Due to participation in “DAKAR 2018” rally race team “KAMAZ-master” decided to redesign their look. SHANDESIGN studio developed a rebranding for the car and team clothes.
Due to participation in “DAKAR 2018” rally race team “KAMAZ-master” decided to redesign their look. SHANDESIGN studio developed a rebranding for the car and team clothes.
January 20th 2019 Eduard Nikolaev and his crew took the 1st place in “Dakar-2018” rally marathon between cargo cars. July 16th 2019 Anton Shibalov and his crew scored gold in “Silk passage” rally. This prizes “KAMAZ-master” team got in new overlook design from SHANDESIGN studio by Sergey Shanovich.
Rebranding of the crew and car looks was complete in tight schedule right to the start of the rally. “KAMAZ-master” team announced the changes of the crew design on the 30th anniversary of the team press-conference.
Production | SHANDESIGN.PRO © 2018
The main goal of new design is to accent the might and purposefulness of “Blue Armada” which “KAMAZ-master” team is often called. Tires track patterns. Competing lines. Diagonal directions of the lines resembling truck dune jump. The design is always dynamic and diverse. It’s like it shouts: Onward! Do not stop! To victory! All the elements are geometrical and calculated in directions and alignment to each other – there is no chaos in it. This accents technical and technological superiority of the team.
Even before studio finished the new look of KAMAZ-43509, the team finished the ECO-GAZ design, even thow it's race was scheduled for later. Overall design principals are the same as in KAMAZ, but the color pallet is different.
The main problem was to balance strict client's guidelines on sponsors logo placements with studios creative ideas about the team look. Design changed several times during the working procrss, but the final look pleased everybody.
It is a great pleasure for the studio team to see our favorite crew win the races in our design!
Design of TV studio and promo contest for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012
A documentary feature about Kazakhstan’s path to independence
An everyday program for TNT TV channel
Джангарчи Владимир Каруев
Студия SHANDESIGN создала фильм об очередном фестивале шрифтового дизайна "ТИПОМАНИЯ"
SHANDESIGN studio developed rebranding of the race team “KAMAZ-master”
Сергей Шанович и студия SHANDESIGN обновили внешний вид шоу к новому сезону
Документальный фильм о бренде FIGHT NIGHTS GLOBAL
#ShanDesign Оформление церемонии вручения премии PROMAX 2019
#Shan_Design Студия разработала дизайн премии от логотипа до приза
Промо ролик в рамках совместного спецпроекта G-Energy, ТНТ и Comedy Club
Производство спонсорских ТВ и DIGITAL роликов Nescafe Gold
Production of TV and DIGITAL commercials
Спонсорская интеграция "Мегафон" в шоу Песни на ТНТ / 2 сезон
Шапка нового сезона шоу "Песни" на ТНТ. Режиссер - Сергей Шанович.
Новая масштабная работа студии SHANDESIGN для COMEDY CLUB PRODUCTION по заказу Телеканала ТНТ
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы «Триколор ТВ» - «Шокирующее»
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы «Триколор ТВ» - «Комедийное»
Branding and broadcast design for FNG
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы «Триколор ТВ» - «Романтичное»
Производство серии из трех спонсорских роликов Nescafe Gold. Амбассадор - Марина Кравец
На протяжении многих лет наша студия поддерживает фестиваль TYPOMANIA
Разработка дизайна приза
Sponsor reel Tezenis
Joint project of the studio Shandesign and Comedy Club Production
New integration for G-Energy brand in Comedy Club on TNT by SHANDESIGN.PRO
Event was produced by Shandesign studio on a commission by TNT
Collaboration project Shandesign studio and Comedy club production
Graphic opening of show "SONGS" on TNT
ID-opening Comedy Club Production
A series of commercials for Sony Pictures Television's new season.
Promotional video of the limited collection BAON by Liasan Utiasheva
Updated design for gas-running KAMAZ from the SHANDESIGN studio
Design logo of the new brand for professional skin care OPTIME.
Forum of Martial Arts "Battle of Champions 10: Russia vs World"
A series of commercials for ADIDAS Original & ADIDAS Performance collections
Series of videos for bookmaker office of Russia and the CIS "FONBET"
Integration of the brand in the show "DANCES" on TNT.
Спонсорский ролик «Lipton»
An international event SportAccord Awards
Branding and on-air design for the federal sport TV channel
Разработка дизайна приза и создание проморолика Конкурса «ТЭФИ - Бессмертный полк»
Sponsor reel "MegaFon"
Имиджевый рекламный ролик Газпром — спонсора Лиги чемпионов УЕФА
Event production and show directing
Проморолик реалити-шоу "Холостяк" на ТНТ
Rebranding and broadcast design satellite TV channel of Republic of Kazakhstan
Brand integration into "Dance" show on TNT TV channel
Спонсорский ролик реалити-шоу "Холостяк"
Creating promo video
On-air design for the new federal TV channel
TV channel rebranding
Brand integration into Dances project on TNT TV channel
A documentary on modern Russian design
Advertising campaigns for the State Corporation
Design of TV studio and promo contest for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012
A documentary feature about Kazakhstan’s path to independence
TV channel brand development
РСБИ и студия SHANDESIGN.PRO организовали и провели очередной Форум боевых искусств.
An everyday program for TNT TV channel
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы "Триколор ТВ" - "Инфоканал"
Студия SHANDESIGN создала фильм об очередном фестивале шрифтового дизайна "ТИПОМАНИЯ"
SHANDESIGN studio developed rebranding of the race team “KAMAZ-master”
Документальный фильм о бренде FIGHT NIGHTS GLOBAL
#ShanDesign Оформление церемонии вручения премии PROMAX 2019
Промо ролик в рамках совместного спецпроекта G-Energy, ТНТ и Comedy Club
Производство спонсорских ТВ и DIGITAL роликов Nescafe Gold
Шапка нового сезона шоу "Песни" на ТНТ. Режиссер - Сергей Шанович.
Спонсорская интеграция "Мегафон" в шоу Песни на ТНТ / 2 сезон
Новая масштабная работа студии SHANDESIGN для COMEDY CLUB PRODUCTION по заказу Телеканала ТНТ
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы «Триколор ТВ» - «Шокирующее»
Брендинг и эфирное оформление спутникового телеканала группы «Триколор ТВ» - «Комедийное»
Branding and broadcast design for FNG
Производство серии из трех спонсорских роликов Nescafe Gold. Амбассадор - Марина Кравец
На протяжении многих лет наша студия поддерживает фестиваль TYPOMANIA
Series of videos for bookmaker FONBET
Разработка дизайна приза
Sponsor reel Tezenis
Joint project of the studio Shandesign and Comedy Club Production
The opener of the new humorous show "Love is" on TNT.
Font for TNT channel
Design logo of the new brand for professional skin care OPTIME.
Forum of Martial Arts "Battle of Champions 10: Russia vs World"
Event was produced by Shandesign studio on a commission by TNT
Updated design for gas-running KAMAZ from the SHANDESIGN studio
Promotional video of the limited collection BAON by Liasan Utiasheva
Studio SHANDESIGN.PRO created a report about the Moscow Biennale of Design 2017.
New integration for G-Energy brand in Comedy Club on TNT by SHANDESIGN.PRO
Series of videos for bookmaker office of Russia and the CIS "FONBET"
New identity for the bakery network Volkonsky from SHANDESIGN
Premiere of the music video of the performer VAVAN
A series of commercials for ADIDAS Original & ADIDAS Performance collections
ZOMBOyaschik - and it's not about zombies..
Joint project of the studio Shandesign and Comedy Club Production
Graphic opening of show "SONGS" on TNT
A series of commercials for Sony Pictures Television's new season.
Rebranding the logo of Comedy Club Production
4 season on ТNТ
Collaboration project Shandesign studio and Comedy club production
ID-opening Comedy Club Production
Фильм к бою Владимира Минеева (Россия) vs. Андреаса Михайлидиса (Греция)
Sponsor reel “Epica”
Sponsor reel "Clean Line"
Спонсорский ролик «Lipton»
Фильм к бою Русимара Палхареса vs. Алексея Иванова
Разработка серии роликов для немецкого телекала ARD
Logo of the show "OPEN MICROPHONE"
Logo design for the World Alumni Association.
Scenography and design of the preliminary draw ceremony
Фильм к бою Сергея Павловича vs. Михаила Мохнаткина
The cap of the reality show "Bachelor" on TNT.
Branding and rebranding from the studio SHANDESIGN
An international event SportAccord Awards
Branding and on-air design for the federal sport TV channel
A clip for the single "Monami"
A new logo and ID screensaver were created in the SHANDESIGN studio.
Брендирование штаб-квартиры
Event production
Integration of the brand in the show "DANCES" on TNT.
Event production and show directing
Sponsor reel "MegaFon"
Проморолик реалити-шоу "Холостяк" на ТНТ
Графическое оформление новогоднего поздравления Нурсултана Назарбаева
Promo «The new identity of KHL»
Фильм к бою Венера Галиева vs. Диего Брандао
Дизайн логотипа бойцовской команды EAGLES MMA
Разработка дизайна приза и создание проморолика Конкурса «ТЭФИ - Бессмертный полк»
Имиджевый рекламный ролик Газпром — спонсора Лиги чемпионов УЕФА
Спонсорский ролик реалити-шоу "Холостяк"
TV channel rebranding
Dynamo TV channel branding
Image-building clip
Рекламный ролик
Разработка логотипа и сувенироной продукции для «Газпром-Медиа Холдинг»
Promo documentary for the international fonts festival
Rebranding and broadcast design satellite TV channel of Republic of Kazakhstan
On-air design for the new federal TV channel
Creating promo video
Brand integration into "Dance" show on TNT TV channel
Шапка и пакет графики
Спонсорский ролик реалити-шоу "Холостяк"
Фильм к бою Али Багаутинов vs. Тайсон Нэм
Фильм к бою Владимира Минеева vs. Ясубея Эномото
Фильм к турниру FIGHT NIGHTS GLOBAL 52
TV channel rebranding
TV channel rebranding
Logo for the radio station
TV channel rebranding
Nestlé Fitness promo
Rebranding of the national TV channel Yugra
Rebranding of the Kazakh TV channel
Branding of the State Corporation
Seasons 2016 calendar
Новый проект Europa Plus TV!
Logo for the group of companies
Brand integration into Dances project on TNT TV channel
Брендинг и эфирное оформление
Organization of TV-broadcasting, branding, and promotion
Rebranding of the Russian media holding
Program design
Product placement for TNT TV channel
A documentary about two major avant-garde schools of the 20th century
A documentary on modern Russian design
A documentary about the confrontation of two legendary wrestlers
Студия SHANDESIGN сняла телевизионные ролики для Заявочного комитета "Сочи-2014"
A documentary about the first stage of the World Cup in rally raid.
A movie about the ancient Japanese sword play art
Промо международной специализированной выставки
Advertising clips
A documentary about the new architectural image of the capital of Kazakhstan
A film about the leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev
Спонсорский ролик “ESTEL”
A documentary telling about a man that was the center of the Russian font community